ICO File Type and Information

Format Type ICO (Windows Icon)
Extension .ico
MIME Type image/vnd.microsoft.icon, image/x-icon
Description File format used for icons in Microsoft Windows
Introduced 1985 (Windows 1.0)
Usage Used for representing icons for applications, files, etc.
Image Sizes 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, and larger (up to 256x256)
Color Depths 1-bit (monochrome) and 32-bit (with alpha channel)
Transparency Supports transparency (32-bit icons)
Compression Typically uncompressed or RLE-compressed
File Structure Consists of header, directory, and image data sections
Header Contains information about the file and image count
Directory Lists the offsets and sizes of image entries
Image Entries Contains the actual image data in different sizes
Image Formats BMP, PNG, and JPEG (in newer versions)
Platform Support Windows, some Unix-based systems with libraries
Conversion Tools Various image editors, online converters, command-line tools
Use Cases Icons for desktop applications, files, folders, websites, etc.
Icon Libraries Contain collections of ICO files for reuse
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